Privacy Principles

Privacy Principles

In the absence of common and clearly articulated industry positions on issues such as safety, privacy, and standards, governments will react rashly to uninformed and even unfounded assertions about the function and use of identification technology. International Biometrics + Identity Association, through its intense monitoring of legislative, regulatory and policy developments, clearly and concisely articulates the industry's position to key decision makers on these and other developments.

  1. Identification data provides an effective, secure barrier against unauthorized access to personal information. Beyond this inherent protection, International Biometrics + Identity Association recommends safeguards to ensure that identification data is not misused to compromise any information, or released without personal consent or the authority of law.
  2. In the private sector, International Biometrics + Identity Association advocates the development of policies that clearly set forth how identification data will be collected, stored, accessed, and used, and that preserve the rights of individuals to limit the distribution of the data beyond the stated purposes.
  3. In the public sector, International Biometrics + Identity Association believes that clear legal standards should be developed to carefully define and limit the conditions under which agencies of national security and law enforcement may acquire, access, store, and use identification data.
  4. In both the public and private sectors, International Biometrics + Identity Association advocates the adoption of appropriate managerial and technical controls to protect the confidentiality and integrity of databases containing identification data.
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